OCT 22, 2020
So, it happened.
Something major in an interest my bestfriend and I shared happened earlier this month. Something that stretched over a period of days in fact, and something we definitely would have chatted about over that stretch. That’s not the “it” that happened though.
The “it” was it never crossed my mind over those days to text her about it. I realized I hadn’t thought to text her while driving home from grocery shopping and, it was devastating. It was that heart dropping to your stomach feeling. A ton of bricks hitting your chest. It fucking hurt. It fucking sucked.
My mind is starting to accept the reality she no longer exists in the present. I honestly don’t know what hurts more… that she's gone, or that my mind is resigning to that fact. This is grief guys. You think you’ve made steps forward, only to then feel devastated by those steps and betrayed by them. Your brain may be faster to accept reality, or understand it, but your heart is never ready. Your heart will always fight your brain so you feel that loss as raw as the day it happened.