SEPT 16, 2019
It’s odd to be surrounded by tons of people, yet feel completely alone.
It’s a feeling I’ve struggled with a lot since my friend passed. I don’t think I’ve ever been so surrounded by people in my life until now.
So surrounded by love.
So surrounded by care.
I also don’t recall, until now, ever feeling truly lonely.
It’s a super harsh reality to think of a moment, a time, a story that you now have no one else in the world who knows that same moment, that same time, that same story.
Almost 30 years of my life was spent with this person. We lived on the same street until we bought our own houses, we went to the same schools, we worked together, we traveled SO many times together. A lot of those times we travelled, were just her and I.
She was the only other person, besides my husband, who knew I was pregnant when I pulled my “celebrity hide it until I show” pregnancy. She even came to ultrasounds with my husband and I.
She knew me better then anyone in the world, maybe even better then I knew myself sometimes.
So, yes, I’m surrounded by so many caring, loving people (which I truly appreciate), but her passing has left me feeling very alone.
The world now just seems so much bigger without her by my side.