I honestly feel like September just started yet here we are 20 days into the month. It’s been a hell of a whirlwind and I was going to do a quick Instagram update on it, but a recap as a caption felt a tad long so I opted for this little blog post instead.

My daughter celebrated both her birthday AND first, sort of, day of school on the same day. She did a staggered start, so 3 hours the first day, then about 5 hours the second day and now we are officially in full school days 5 days a week. She kept telling us “she didn’t want to go to school” but when we picked her up after the 3 hour day she told us “I don’t want to go home”. Safe to say she is enjoying it. I just worry about how non-independent she is with so much stuff, but I know it’ll all come with time and the more hours she spends outside of the house. I’m also proud to say momma bear handled herself well too. No tears for either of us, though there were some emotions the night before while we read “The Night Before Kindergarten”.

Since it was a very out of the ordinary day on her birthday, we skipped our usual going on an adventure/day trip to celebrate. I felt it would be too overwhelming and probably end up in meltdown city. A little sad, for me mainly, but there will be other birthday’s for us to do adventures. Instead we just did a quiet dinner with my parents, presents and ice cream cake. On the Saturday I decided to throw a small party with her cousins. I went with a space/solar system theme, as this child is OBSESSED with space right now. I also made like 7 or 8 different varieties of macaroni and cheese because when I asked what her favourite food was to make for a birthday dinner she said mac and cheese, so I thought a mac and cheese tasting type dinner would be fun. Everyone loved it, but damn, it’s a lot of work. Probably the only time I’ll do that type of dinner prep for a kiddo party. To keep the space theme going we did a movie night outside or “under the stars”. I borrowed my sisters projector and we set up the back deck all cozy. Honestly, it was the perfect night for it as we were able to just sit outside in sweatshirts and not feel cold at all. Wall-E was the movie of choice, because honestly who doesn’t love that movie, and it sort of takes place in space. Instead of another cake for the party, I homemade smores cupcakes. Check out a video of the party here!

Then on the 15th was my daughter’s actual first full day of school and what would have been my best friend’s 37th birthday. I had a “vision” of what this day would look like, sadness mixed with happiness. Feeling as if she were with me and a sense or feeling of peace. Instead it was totally chaotic. I either slept through my alarm clock OR it never went off. My friend, since the night she passed, has a funny way of interfering with “technology”. I woke up a half hour before we are supposed to leave, so it was a super rushed morning. I did get her to school on time but realized once we got there that I had left her water at home. I had to drive home, grab the water bottle and drive it back. Not the peaceful reflective morning I wanted. Life right? The rest of the day was melancholy of course. Her birthday is always so hard, and especially harder on such a big day. It’s a reminder of another milestone she’s missed. Another big life event I don’t get to share with her. It’s a shit feeling, but I made it through. I ended up spending the afternoon at Riverwood and just enjoying silence and the forest. 

So that’s it, my tiny little recap. I’ve got a favourites list in the works and looking forward to creating some fall fashion inspiration for you all! Anything in particular you want to see for fall fashion inspo? Do you guys like small life update posts? Lemme know!

Happy September!