Terra Market Haul
MARCH 13, 2018
Another successful and lovely Saturday morning spent at the market this past weekend. This time I took the babe with me and met my parents, sister and one of my best friends there. This was the first time my parents and sister had gone, so it was nice to show them around and direct them to the "good finds". This market trip was for a purpose versus the last trip was more for browsing and taking our time.
My first stop was Gigi’s Foods to grab their super popular avocado dressing, which was sold out the last time I had gone. Gigi's slogan is “a salad’s best friend” and girl (or boy), they are NOT lying. Their dressing is so delish I ended up buying a bottle of the white balsamic and the lemon garlic dressing as well. I mean the avocado dressing isn’t even pictured because I opened it up after getting home to use it on my lunch. What I love about these dressing is there are no added sugars or other “ingredients” that you just didn’t ask for in your salad dressing. As most of you know from my Winter Salad Wednesday’s, I usually just use an avocado oil with lemon or mustard as dressing to avoid all the “crap” in store bought dressings, so to now have three delicious dressings to choose from. I’m seriously the simplest bitch there is. I’m excited about salad dressings! Hashtag, little things am I right?
Next stop was Truly Baked for some homemade granola. For me granola is a treat versus an everyday staple, so I of course went with the Chocolate Super Seed. It compliments my berry blend smoothie bowl so well. Even though it’s a “treat” at least it’s still partially healthier then say a cookie!
I feel like mushrooms get a bad rap, mainly because I think most people associate mushrooms all dried the f*ck out on top of a pizza. I absolutely HATE mushrooms on pizza, but give me mushrooms sautéed on salad any day of the week. I grabbed a bag of white and bag of Portobello organic mushrooms from Fun-Gi's Mushrooms. Seriously these are the freshest tastiest mushrooms I’ve ever eaten.
I got lucky finding a homemade Kimchi from What’s Good Wellness. I needed it for a recipe I was trying out this week and couldn’t find it in the grocery store and had planned to get myself to the closest Asian market for some. This made my life way easier and as you can see I already used half of it!
My last stop, purely so it didn’t melt, was Foundry’s Ice Cream. O-M-G guys! I grabbed a “tub” of their Vegan Chocolate Raspberry and it is the BEST ice cream I’ve ever had. There will be no going back to any other kind of ice cream. They also make non-vegan ice cream and have some pretty nifty flavours, for example Lavender. I imagine the colour of that ice cream is gorgeous and probably really Instagram worthy. What I like even more about this company is the fact their “tub” is a glass container and you can return it to them for a dollar rebate. I’d just tell em to keep the dollar because I love this concept so much! Trying to cut back on their waste, how can you not support that?
Not pictured was another crumbled season mix of Tempa and another devoured The Green Geek smoothie. I didn’t go with my usual Kale Kolada but tried their John Lemon this time. I can’t recall all the ingredients in it but there was turmeric, cauliflower and I know maple syrup. Honestly, I know from the three ingredients I can remember it sounds like trash but it was so delicious and the turmeric gave it a nice kick aftertaste. I may even go back for the last Saturday this weekend just to try another juice!