OCT 30, 2019
I have always been a huge horror movie fan, regardless of the season or time of year. I love when a movie is done and you still have that lingering uneasy feeling after. You know that type of fear, that when you wake up in the middle of the night to go pee you catapult yourself back into bed because you're afraid of what’s going to grab at you from under the bed!
Since it’s actually that time of year where people seek out being scared, I wanted to share a few horror movies that disturbed me after watching them. Again, we’re all different in what scares us, but these movies definitely left me feeling unsettled for many a nights after and are still one’s I like to go back and watch to be freaked out all over again.
The Taking of Deborah Logan
This movie is filmed in documentary style, which to me is always so freakin’ creepy. A plot seems more realistic when filmed in documentary style. The plot is a film crew documenting an elderly woman suffering from Alzheimer’s, or so they think. Obviously creepy AF scenarios transpire. Out of all my picks, this is probably the most lame in terms of plot ending, but it seriously had so many creepy aspects leading up to the end that it’s worth a watch. Especially if you like those jump scares. There is just such an eerie nighttime scene in this movie, that makes you do that hide behind your hands, but your fingers are actually open enough that you’re still watching manuver. Anyone else do that?
The Fourth Kind
Again, another documentary style film BUT also Hollywood production.
Let me explain, at the start of the movie the main actress Milla Jovovich explains the film is based on true events that took place in Nome, Alaska. When I first went to watch this movie, without ever seeing a trailer, I thought it was about demonic possession but I was very wrong. It’s actually about alien abduction, which is literally my biggest fear. Don’t make fun, we all have our thing ok.
Milla Jovovich's character is a psychologist who practices hypnosis to uncover suppressed memories for her patients, these sessions of course uncover some pretty scary shit that indicates alien abductions.
In some of the most pivotal scenes of the movie the film goes split screen. One side is the Hollywood re-enactment and the other side is the "real" footage. There is an absolute horrifying police dash cam video scene that seemed so real, and an even more unsettling “dubbed over” real audio of an unintelligible language recorded by Milla Jovovich’s character in one of her patient sessions. I’m probably ruining the scare factor of this movie by stating it’s a pseudodocumentary, because I feel that not having that knowledge prior to watching made the entire movie so effing terrifying. Again though, aliens scare the living shit out of me. I honestly barely slept the night I watched it because I was convinced aliens were coming to get me and I researched the HELL out of the movie the next day to ensure it wasn’t real.
You’ll seriously never look at encountering an owl in the same way again after this movie.
The original 1982 one though, not the new one with Sam Rockwell. If you’re a horror movie lover, you’ve already seen this. If you aren’t, get on it already. This movie is the QUEEN of horror movies, an absolute classic. Some of the graphics are pretty cheesy compared to today’s, but honestly she still stands on her own as such a terrifying film. I’ve seen this movie multiple times over the years, and I still get the heebie jeebies over that clown. *shudders* There’s just so many iconic scares from this film that it’s a must watch at this time of year.
It Follows
This movie was surprisingly eerie. I honestly don’t know how to explain the plot of the movie without kind of ruining it. Basically the story is about a teenage girl who starts getting stalked by an "entity" after a sexual encounter. This entity takes on multiple nightmarish human forms only she can see. There is one scene in particular where they show you her view, but cut back and forth to her friends views of not being able to see the entity coming for them. Just so goosebump creepy. Your interpretation of the movie is left to your own devices, but honestly this could be a good movie to show your own teenager and scare them into making “good choices”, if you get what I'm saying. Haha!
Fire in the Sky
Yes, another alien abduction movie, but this one is legit based on a true story which makes it so incredibly horrifying! Four loggers encounter an unidentified flying object when returning home from work late one night, one of the four is abducted by the UFO. Travis Walton, the abductee, goes missing for 5 days, unable to really explain what's happened to him. The flashback PTSD scenes of his abduction after he’s returned home are literally the scariest, stomach churning things I’ve ever watched. You literally squirm in tense fear at some of those scenes. Another one where you lose sleep after watching.
Also early 90's DB Sweeny is nice to look at.
Paranormal Activity
I feel like everyone has seen this movie and honestly it was one of the last horror movies that’s given me the uber creeps. I swear if I woke up having to pee at any time between 3am-5am I’d hold it, I was legit too afraid to get out of bed during those hours. Totally creepy film, and I actually saw a version that had an alternate ending compared to the theatrical version. The ending I saw was way better, less cheesy and creepier than the theatrical version. I don’t want to ruin the ending for anyone who actually hasn't seen this movie. If you have seen it and want to know the ending I saw send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll tell you about it!
For those of you who haven’t seen this one, it’s again another documentary style film. The premise is a young couple that start experiencing weird stuff happening in their house, especially at night. The guy decides to set up cameras at night, and obviously the recordings catch some pretty creepy shit going on. It starts off small, like a door slowly closing, but as the film goes on the creepy shit gets more constant and aggressive. You just sit on the edge of your seat the entire film.
The Ring
Prior to Paranormal Activity, this movie was probably one of the last good ones I’d watched in a long while. I even saw it in the theatre, which was packed with people, and it still gave me the scares. Basically you watch this weird creepy video tape and allow an entity into your life who then kills you within 7 days of watching the video. This movie has it all, jump scares, tension leading scares, cover your eye scares and then that coveted creeped out feeling well after the movie is done. When you finally piece together the story of the entity it’s incredibly dark and tragic.
I saved Scream for last because one, it’s the only slasher film I included on my list and two it’s one of my top fave horror movies. It reminds me of my teenage years, the first time we watched it was at a friends sleepover birthday party. We literally all held hands while watching it we were so freaked out. The movie is filled with tense as f*ck scary moments, you’re on the edge of your seat the entire movie. If you haven’t seen it, I’m not explaining what it’s about, just watch it. You won’t be sorry, just make sure you watch the first one with Drew Barrymore in it.
On that note, what’s your favourite scary movie?