
FEB 25, 2019

Last week I shared my Winter Wardrobe Essentials, so this week I thought I’d share my plain and simple Winter Essentials. Plus it’s been months since I’ve done any sort of essentials list, so it seemed a bit overdue for one. My essential lists consists of products or things I’ve been enjoying this winter, I noticed a bit of trend while creating my list. See if you pick up on the “trend”. As I always do with any essential lists I have included an essential experience specific to winter. If you’re unfamiliar with my essential list experiences go take a look at my past lists!

 The Ordinary Skin Oils

This line has changed my skin so much! Every winter my face get’s super dry and breaks out from over moisturizing, or even just being too dry and my skin trying to compensate by creating too much natural oil. I started using these oils in the summer and was curious to see the outcome during the cold dryer months of winter. I haven’t dealt with dry skin at all this winter, and breakouts are very rare. The best part about this product is the price point, insanely affordable. Below I’ve outlined each product I use.

  • “Buffet” Copper Peptides 1% - To help with fine lines and wrinkles. I use every morning after washing my face. I also use at night for the “laugh lines” around the corner of the eyes.

  • Caffeine Solution 5% - EGCG - For under eye bags, I use morning and night. I’ve actually had the same bottle since my first purchase in the summer, if you can believe that! I have to say, out of all of the oils this is the least I’m sold on. I really haven’t seen a drastic change in my under eye bags, so if you have an amazing product that’s working for you please let me know because I’m still on the hunt for a good under eye product!

  • Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% - I use this or the last product I’m going to list at night. This is to help combat acne.

  • Salicylic Acid 2% Solution - This is for zapping that stubborn zit away, but you can also use it on your entire face. I use it every once and awhile because I find using it daily actually causes me to break out. I did it when I ran out of the Niacinamide oil and replaced it nightly with this product and my skin started to breakout. I now only use it when I get a big ol’ pimple I need gone.

Grown Alchemist Hydra Repair Lotion

In addition to The Ordinary oils, I’ve been using this face cream I got in my Fab Fit Fun Box, uh possibly in the spring or fall. I have a strong feeling this baby has also helped make a difference in fighting that dry winter face. This product is totally a little goes a long way as you don’t need to use a lot of cream to feel moisturized and it absorbs so well into the skin. Plus it smells great, like some sort of tropical fruit that I can’t recall the name of as I type this. Maybe it’s a very subtle smell of grapefruit actually? This product is much more expensive than The Ordinary products but so worth it. I’m saving up my pennies to actually invest in the wrinkle repair lotion and the eye ones!

Slipper Socks or Reading Socks

Ok, I tend to use these every winter but I’ve been living in this particular pair my aunt got me for Christmas this year. They’re extra roomy, super warm and they have sticky coffee cups on the soles so you don’t go flying on your hardwood floors! Plus how freakin’ cute are they? Some slipper socks can be so tacky or in horrendous colours, but not these cuties! They totally get my fashionista stamp of approval! Check out some more of there styles here!


Love Crunch – Dark Chocolate & Peanut Butter Cereal

I am a lover of anything chocolate and peanut butter, but eating Reese’s peanut butter cups ain’t that healthy. I am obsessed with this cereal! This has been my guilty, yet still kind of healthy, go to snack this winter. Who else loves cereal as a snack? It’s just so filling, satisfying and honestly a comfort food. This cereal has been the perfect snack for satisfying my hibernating bear winter starvation hunger cravings, plus helping me beat the winter blues by allowing me to indulge in my comfort food. If you aren’t a cereal lover you can totally enjoy this snack with out the milk! I’d even add some almonds in there to make it even more filling! The cereal is made by Nature’s Path Organic and what I love is for every Love Crunch product sold, they will donate the equivalent in cash or organic food to the food bank. I always love supporting a brand that gives back.

Welo Probiotic Drinks

You’ve seen me share these drinks and love for Welo numerous times on my Instagram. Welo has been helping regulate my tummy all winter long. They have an array of flavours, some which are seasonal, to help heal that upset tummy! My favourite so far, and surprisingly, is the strawberry chia and basil one. Sounds weird but guys, so friggin good and I’m not lying at all when I say it instantly helped my tummy! I can’t wait for summer when they have their Watermelon one!


Since giving birth to my babe I would suffer horribly dry skin after shaving my legs, this was happening in the summer so I knew I had to do something come winter. I turned to my favourite natural skincare company and gave their shaving butter a try. Absolute immediate change after the first time I used it, I’ve been using this both on my legs and armpits ever since buying it. So yeah it’s included on my winter essentials list but this is an all year round shaving essential for this girl! I bought the White Tea and Ginger scent and it’s like being in my own personal spa every time I shave.

 My Favourite Murderer Podcast

I am a lover, maybe even obsessed, with true crime stories. I guess I’m a bit disturbed, I also love all fake crime TV shows. My go to podcast is normally Sword & Scale but I ended up getting all caught up with the episodes, and frankly after listening to horrible crime story after horrible crime story, it was starting to take a toll. Plus winter is heavy enough, no sense in adding murder to it. However, I’m not really a fan of other podcasts so wanted my true crime fix but with a little less darkness. My girl Heather of Wheels & Heels has been recommending this podcast to me for months now, and I finally had the opportunity to give it a go. All I can say is, I wish I was a part of this podcast because I feel like I could totally be the 3rd BFF. The girls talk murder, but kind of hilariously and say what we all probably think in private about a murderer. Another cool feature of their podcast is they share listeners “Hometown Murder” stories, which is interesting because these murders don’t necessarily make headlines but are still intriguing. I wonder how many people will stop reading my blog after reading that sentence? Anyhow, if you love true crime like me hop on this train! Just maybe skip the first 2 or so episodes because the girls didn’t quite have a format they followed and it was a tad confusing and could be a turn off. They found their groove in episode 4 or so. I also really love the intro song… it’s catchy!

Essential Experience – Fitness Class

Ok, this is not typical of my usual essential experiences but it’s something that’s really helped ground me mentally and keep me afloat this winter. My fitness class is a “Bootcamp” class every Saturday, with the same group of ladies I’ve been now working out with for a year! If you’re in the GTA I highly, highly suggest joining me and these lovely ladies with our amazing instructor Joanna Geary from Power Works Life and Wellness Coaching. You don’t have to commit to coming every Saturday, as long as you give her advance notice you can do drop in classes for a fee. The class format changes up from Saturday to Saturday, sometimes it’s all butts, other times all arms, maybe it’s a half hour of weights and then a half hour of abs, the next week will be circuits to improve cardio. This Saturday class helps keep my fitness goals on track, gets me out of the house, gives me an hour of just me time on weekends spend basically prepping for the work week ahead and the endorphins I get from exercising help perk me up. Not to mention the lovely ladies I get to spend the hour sweating and mostly laughing with. Find something you love and commit to a class, I’m telling you the difference you’ll see is worth every penny!

There you have it, my list of winter essentials helping me survive this very long drawn out season. Were you surprised about my essential experience?

Are you appalled I love true crime? I hope not! What I hope is that you secretly love true crime just like me.

Have you tried any of these beauty products I listed? What is your opinion on them?

Have you ever tried Welo’s drinks or their bars? I’m still dying to try out their Charcoal bar!

I’d love to hear what you think of my essentials and what some of your winter essentials are! Let me know in the comments or give me a shout on Instagram! Oh, and did you figure out the “trend” in my list? Give me your guesses!

Keep beautifully moisturized and full bellied my friends,
