Tour My Baby Nursery


MAY 16, 2018

The one thing I knew I wanted included in my baby to be's nursery were the lyrics to "You Are My Sunshine" somewhere in the room. I had originally envisioned a pale yellow nursery, you know "sunshine", with a black and white patterned wall paper feature wall. All white furniture. Thankfully my mum swooped in and mentioned a rustic theme, which is literally so much nicer then the yellow nursery vision. Plus white furniture doesn't transition well as a baby boy grows and we 1.) weren't finding out the gender of the baby and 2.) I wanted to invest in a crib that eventually converts into a kid bed. My babe's nursery is now the nicest and most modern room in our entire house! I'd also call it more of a woodland theme over rustic but it does have rustic characteristics. 


I still got my "You Are My Sunshine" lyrics incorporated as per my original vision. My wonderful sister created these and for the first 4 months of my babe's life she adored these photo's. I think because they are so simplistic and black and white. We would sit for literal hours, her on the change pad just staring up at the photo's chatting to them. It was so precious. Also as you know from my Mom Advice post, I only put this change pad cover on for these photo's. *insert laughing emoji* 


I highly recommend getting a nice little decorative basket for your baby's dresser to store your diapers, bum cream, powder, lotions and other must have baby products. It keeps it all organized and also not in plain view. Also once baby gets more rambucksious on the change pad it keeps all that stuff out of reach. I actually got these baskets as a shower gift from my parents so I'm not exactly sure where they came from. However you can find decorative baskets everywhere! Winners, Marshalls,, Home Sense etc. 


Every nursery needs a bookshelf for all those bedtime story books you are going to collect to read to your little one. I can NOT wait for the day she get's into nighttime story time. I think out of this collection we've bought her one book, the rest have come from family and friends. Which I love because I always like to make the gift giver write a little note in the book. 

Also on the bookshelf I have incorporated pictures of all our pets, some stuffed toys, toy chests, a rose quartz stone and selenite stone, a picture of her great grandfather who sadly passed away just a week before she was born and other meaningful and fun little items. I also love that this bookcase has a hidden storage compartment on the bottom. The bookshelf was actually my grandmother's and my dad fixed it up and painted it white. 


Those red cowboy boots came from a dear friend who bought them before babe's arrival when she was in Nashville! How sweet and freakin' cool is that? I can't wait for when she fits into them and how many adorable photo's I'm going to get of her! Hashtag, cowgirl! 


The 2 owls and fox are new stuffed animals gifted just to her. The older looking toy, a raccoon, is my childhood stuffed animal gifted to me by my grandmother. That was the stuffed animal I slept with every night as a child. Maybe she'll love Raccoon as much as I did or maybe she'll choose her own stuffy to shower with love. As of right now she has taken quite a liking to the colourful owl, given to her by her auntie who also adores owls. 


This beautiful piece of wall art was found at my spiritual store, Akasha's Den and it was actually the first item purchased for the nursery. Like our nursery was still a spare bedroom that we stored all our junk in when this item was given to me. I went with my sister and 2 good friends to the Den for my birthday and one of my friends found this. It brought us to tears when thinking of the message for a new soul. It still brings me to tears when I haven't read the quote in awhile. My friend ended up ordering the same piece for her son's room. 


Once again my mum with the great ideas, bought me this awesome deer head hook. Perfect for hanging the diaper bag on while keeping the room decluttered and stylish. 


As you can see I still did a wallpaper accent wall, but chose a birch tree pattern. I got this wallpaper from Bouclair. Who else LOVES Bouclair? I could go into bankruptcy if I spend to much time in that store. 

I was originally dead set on a grey crib and dresser. I dragged my husband to every place a crib was sold looking for the perfect crib and matching dresser in grey and in our budget. The crib ended up being gifted to us, which was so super generous, but I wasn't about to up my budget just because we were offered it as a gift. I finally ended up at Leon's because I loved the style of this crib when I saw it in grey online. Once in person I wasn't a fan of grey colour, it wasn't actually "rustic" enough looking for me, but I was drawn to the chestnut colour. This colour worked for a boy or a girl and it still fit the colour scheme of the room. Just goes to show, don't be so one track minded when looking for furniture. Have your vision be a bit open and you'll be surprised at what you can find! 


In continuing with the woodlands theme we went with a cutesy owl bed set. I registered for this set from Babies R' Us and it came with the sheet, a little comforter, the bumpers, the bed skirt, the mobile and a matching sleep sack. Easy peasy! 

What was your nursery's theme or design? Did you find out the gender of your baby to make nursery decorating easier? I'd love to hear from you!