Grief is complicated. Trying to support someone grieving can feel even more complicated.

Some things are said with good intentions to comfort a griever, but unfortunately they do the exact opposite. Some things are said with absolutely zero thought or sensitivity, most times that's based on a supporters hurt feelings at the way someone is navigating their grief. Remember, the griever's journey isn't about you so don't centre yourself in it.

I wanted to share a few things, said to myself and my close tiny circle of fellow grieving friends, that aren't necessarily the right words, and then suggestions on how to approach what you're trying to say better.

Look, don't feel bad if you've said these things. As I've said navigating a griever is hard, not as hard as the grief journey, but it's own way of complicated. I'm not here to shame anyone, just here to "teach" and hopefully allow supporters to feel less scared to talk to a griever.

I'll have more to share in the near future, but didn't want to overwhelm off the bat.

GriefMeghan GerovacGrief, Grief Journey, Grief Support, Grieving, Grieving Stories, Grief Community, Grieving Process, grieve, grief story, Grieving Support, Grieving Journey, Grief and Life, Grief Diary, Grief and loss, Grief Story, grieving stages, Grief Stories, Grief and Holidays, Grief blogging, grief stories, Grief Blogger, Grief Journaling, Grieving over the holidays, Grief over the holidays, grief healing, Grief Blogging, Grief Awareness, grief stages, Grief Journling, grief process, Grief Guilt, grief and life, Grief Jouney, grieving stories, grieving story, Grief and death, grieving process, grieving journey, grieving support, Grief Stages, Grief Counseling, Grief Process, Grief blogger, Grief community, Grieving support, grieving community, Grief and Loss, Grief Experience, Grief and the holidays, Grief Journal, Grief Blog, Grief support, Grieving Blog, Grieving Story, Grief and the Holidays, Grieve, grief sharing, Grief Healing, grief journey, Stages of grieving, stages of grieving, Stages of Grief, Stages of grief, Stages of gief, stages of grief, Blogging on Grief, Living wtih gief, living with grief, Living with Grief, living with loss, Death, death and love, death of a loved one, Life and death, life after loss, Coping with Grief, support grieving, support grief, Support Grief, How to support grief, Canada, Ontario, Toronto, Grieving Dad, Grieving Mom, Grieving Sibling, Grieving Children, Grieving Grandparent, Grieving Friend, Grieving FamilyComment