JUNE 20, 2019
What I’ve learned about grief is, not everyone experiences it in the same way. Duh. However, I think we can agree we all have pre-assumptions of how we should "be" when in grief and that’s just idiotic to be blunt. I don’t sit around all day everyday bawling my eyes out. I do however feel exhausted all day everyday, nap often, feel like the world around me is moving in fast forward while I’m stuck in slow motion. Seriously, grief can hit you in the form of literally being unable to do the simple task of walking at your regular pace.
I also don’t miss my friend yet, but when the "realization" that in that exact moment I'm living in a world where she no longer exists I feel physical pain in my heart. Grief is not as black and white as we assume it is. It can be very confusing when you aren’t experiencing the feelings you thought you would.
I'd love to end this on some sort of positive outlook about overcoming grief, but I’m just not there yet..